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Home Cut the Cord YouTube These Are the Most Disliked Videos on YouTube – November 2020

These Are the Most Disliked Videos on YouTube – November 2020

These Are the Most Disliked Videos on YouTube - November 2020

Many of us prowl YouTube for hilarious and original content. But the popular social media video sharing platform is also a great place to find bizarre and downright cringe-inducing content. Not all of the following videos qualify as cringey, but they are all among the most disliked videos on YouTube.

What Do You Mean Disliked?

How do we measure their worth? In two ways. First, we looked at videos that have the highest number of dislikes. Then we also considered videos with a high percentage of dislikes (when compared to likes). We also went out of our way to ignore those obnoxious YouTubers angling for dislikes in their titles.

The Final Cut

We’ve offered a little blurb on what each video has in store. But don’t take our word for it. Check out the videos and tell us what you think in the comments. You can save these videos for later, but seriously, you may want to clear your watched later videos after this.

YouTube Rewind 2018

Surpassing Justin Bieber’s “Baby” video, YouTube Rewind 2018 is currently the all-time most disliked video on YouTube. With 17 Million dislikes, this video continues to impress YouTube like/dislike

Featuring well-known celebrities, quirky skits, and the most popular music of the year (yes, we’re talking about K-Pop), the video plays on pop-culture and events from the year 2018. Yodeling, Marshmallow, and awkward challenges (remember the Kiki “Do you love me challenge”), there’s plenty of reasons to add to the dislikes of this compilation video.

The stars did leave a little inspiration at the end, adding to the awkward nature of the entire 8-minute long video.

Baby – Justin Bieber

With over 2.2 billion views, Justin Bieber’s ‘Baby’ music video is one of the all-time most disliked videos on YouTube so far. Coming in behind Rewind 2018, this video received 11 million dislikes. Not to be confused with the 15 million thumbs up it has received, this long-running video continues to be an impressive example of viewer displeasure.

Whether it’s his music, his name in the spotlight, or the song itself, Justin Bieber gets to take the YouTube fail trophy on this one.

Can This Video Get 1 Million Dislikes?

Yes, it can.

Ok. We said we wouldn’t include any of these “asking for dislikes” videos. But we’ll include this one because, at over three million dislikes (93.81% dislikes), it is the most successful of its genre. The Swedish web-based comedian that goes by PewDiePew on YouTube is a fan of getting people to downvote him. Incidentally, the video has about 207 thousand likes, because some people just like to watch the world burn.

Coming in at a grand total of 5 million dislikes, the popular YouTuber far surpassed his goal. Whether it was his fans supporting his mission or people genuinely disliking his content may never be known.

It’s Everyday Bro

If you’re unfamiliar with the term “cringe” say hello to ‘It’s Everyday Bro.’ Singer Jake Paul and his posse Team 10 come together for this catchy little song featuring pop-culture references and quirky lyrics. At 3 minutes and 41 seconds, you too can enjoy the semi-fail choreography, Lambos, and sunshine.

Featuring an amazing 5 million dislikes, this video from 2 years ago is quite unpopular among viewers. Yes, it’s been watched over 275 million times, but less than half of those who reacted gave it a thumbs up. Talking like to dislike ratio here, this video may actually belong at the top of the list.

Jake Paul and Company came up with this gem of a music video presumably while drinking Jagermeister out of red solo cups behind a Denny’s. It is “bro-y” in every sense of the word from the Delorean-Esque rides to the intense arm gestures.

It’s a video that is truly hard to watch and yet impossible to ignore. We’ve watched the video several times now and still can’t figure out what “it” is.

Baby Shark Dance Video

This one certainly belongs on the list, you can’t see the title without singing the melody which will be stuck in your head for a few hours at least. The Baby Shark Dance video is a catchy little tune that entertains toddlers, small children, and those with limited inhibitions.

With over 5.2 billion views (almost certainly a result of the “play it again! play it again” mantra of younger children), Baby Shark is crazy popular. This video comes in with a total of 10 million dislikes. Although it does have 16 million likes, users take caution when watching this video, you won’t stop singing the tune for a few days.

Call of Duty – Infinite Warfare Trailer

We’re not sure if it was the game itself, or the trailer, but YouTube watchers certainly showed their displeasure with the COD trailer. Judging by the comments it was the former that got fans riled up. Although many did have a change of heart after playing the game in campaign mode. Raking in 43 million views, this video game advertisement received 3.8 million dislikes.

The like to dislike ratio is pretty bad. Only 614K gave this video a thumbs-up. This isn’t a terrible thing though, developers of the game can take note to make better games.


You probably remember this meme-worthy gem from several years ago. Rebecca Black’s viral anti-hit was the talk of the internet for several months thanks to its mind-numbing lyrics and awkward pseudo-dancing. In truth, Black was making the video with the help of Ark Music Factory partly in an effort to promote her future music career and partly to have something fun to share with friends and family.

Coming in at 3.8 million dislikes, this is by far one of the least disliked videos on our list, but the content makes it worth listening to.

Neither Black nor the video’s co-producer and co-writer Patrice Wilson could have guessed how popular the video would get. Wilson would later admit that he wrote the lyrics while sleep deprived on a Friday night. That explains a lot.

How It Is (Wap, Bap…)

Bianca “Bibi” Heinicke of Germany made the soporific music video with, presumably, the best of intentions. How could she have guessed that it would become the most hated song in Germany? Her awkward pronunciation of English lyrics and confusing set design may have had something to do with it.

A total of 3.2 million dislikes landed this 2017 music video on our list. If we were judging ratios here, it only received 557K likes, with over 61 million views, who knows what the dislikes would be if everyone responded.

YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record

Like it’s predecessor, YouTube Rewind 2019 didn’t fare so well in the ‘liked’ department. A collection of videos that users did seem to like, this one missed the mark trying to make up for the previous years’ fiasco.

Users get to enjoy five minutes and thirty-six seconds of random videos popping up on their screen. Which, unfortunately, not very many viewer enjoyed. Some did however, 3.4 million people gave the sad attempt and regaining popularity the coveted thumbs up.

But, most weren’t fooled. YouTube 2019 currently has 9.2 million dislikes. Making it not only one of the most disliked videos on our list, but also a pretty good indicator that people just aren’t fans of yearly rewind videos.

Diana and Roma – Wash Your Hands story

In true 2020 fashion, Diana and Roma have over 13 million subscribers, but wanted to touch on hygiene in their video released in March of this year. The channel features two children playing with toys and enjoying their day. However, the Wash Your Hands Story was an ultimate fail for the pair.

In this particular video, the kids are simply trying to eat snacks. But, here comes dad telling them to wash their hands. An important lesson for sure, but it’s unlikely that the channels’ followers want the constant reminder of hygiene and health risks in 2020.

The video has over 5 million views, 1.8 million likes, and 1 million dislikes. The cringey, overly dramatic acting could be to blame, but then again, it’s a video for kids and getting in trouble just isn’t on their top favorite things list.

Ghostbusters 2016 Trailer

To its credit, the Ghostbusters revival is sitting pretty at a 74% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s clearly done something right. But many fans of the classic paranormal fighting quartet were not thrilled at the new cast.

These ghostbusting ladies are more comfortable in the realm of an over-the-top physical comedy than their male counterparts – a fact that rubbed some purists the wrong way. After all, Dr. Venkman’s subtle snark was part of the original film’s charm.


Jacob Sartorius got his start posting lip-syncing music videos to But soon mouthing other people’s songs was no longer enough for him and he was inspired to take the next step – vaulting pre-teen love songs to a creepy new level.

His single “Sweatshirt” may have made the Top 100 charts in the US and Canada, but the video, featuring a living sweatshirt that crawls jerkily on the floor in pursuit of students, haunts our dreams.

Whether deserved or not, these videos certainly got under some people’s skin. Did we miss a video that you think deserves a mention? Let us know below!

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